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by Dr.Meghna varma

Pandemic Triggered Mental Issues Are Real

The COVID-19 outbreak has had a wide spectrum of profound psychological impact on people across the globe. The enormity of this pandemic, uncertainty over future, global shut down & social distance has turned our lives upside down. The physical, mental & nancial impact of this pandemic has brought about new psychiatric symptoms in people without any mental issues & aggravated the illnesses of those with pre-existing conditions.

Fear, anxiety & helplessness is triggering multiple cases of depression, anxiety, panic attacks, post traumatic stress disorder , delirium, psychosis & even suicide.

Common Psychological Reactions to the Pandemic:

It is normal for people to feel worried during these difcult times. Here are the common reactions of people:

  • Fear of contracting the virus
  • Fear of death
  • Fear of not being able to work from home & losing the job
  • Isolation: Feelings of anger, sadness, frustration due to social restriction. Fear that the social isolation will distance you from loved ones or caregivers in case of elderly & disabled people.
  • Loneliness & Depression: Consuming excessive alcohol or tobacco to cope with feelings of loneliness.
  • Insomnia and sleep disturbances resulting from fear & anxiety
  • Fear of boredom & monotony, reduced interest or desire in any activity
  • Who is at risk of mental health issues resulting from the pandemic ?

  • Children
  • Adolescents
  • Married working women - as they have to juggle between work from home,home schooling kids & household tasks
  • Individuals in lower socio-economic segments
  • Healthcare workers
  • Individuals with existing mental health issues
  • Individuals who have lost loved ones due to the pandemic
  • How to cope with pandemic triggered anxiety & stress?

    Take a break from all the scary news stories:

    Yes, it is good to be informed. But constant news about the pandemic can be traumatising. Consider watching, reading or listening to news just a couple of times a day. Disconnect from technology, lower your screen time.

    Take care of yourself

    Take time to focus on yourself. Eat a healthy nutritious diet, get some exercise, sleep enough, practice meditation & mindfulness. Avoid indulging in alcohol or tobacco.


    Spend time on activities that help you relax & give you real joy - reading, playing an instrument, writing a poem - whatever makes you happy.

    Connect with loved ones

    Talk with people with love. Share your thoughts & feelings, check on how they are coping. This is a good time strengthen your relationships.

    The challenge with mental health issues is that they're mostly hidden & you may not realise that the ones closest to you are suffering. Take a moment to reach out to family, friends & colleagues & check on how they're coping. Let's ght this together creating a strong safety net for those who need it.

    Read other blogs by Dr. Meghna Varma