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Sleep & Mental ILLNESS |Mental Health Tips -Dr. Meghna Varma


by Dr.Meghna varma


Ever struggled to get through the day after a night of simply tossing & turning, watching the minutes & hours tick by? Then I'm sure you know how lack of sleep can make you cranky, moody & anxious.

As it turns out, sleep is closely linked to your mental & emotional health. And the relation between them seems to be bi-directional. In other words, sleep can be both cause & consequence of mental illnesses.

  • Sleep & Mental Health: The Two-Way Link
  • The complex circular relationship between sleep & mental health becomes more clear when we look at how sleep impacts these specic mental health conditions.

    Depression & Sleep:

    As per the WHO estimates, nearly 300 million people across the globe suffer from depression. A majority of people with depression show signs of sleeplessness or insomnia. Some people may also experience hypersomnia.
    There is also growing evidence that suggests poor sleep can make depression worse. As such, sleep disorders & depression become mutually reinforcing creating a negative feedback loop.

    Bipolar Disorder & Sleep:

    People with bipolar disorders have changing sleep patterns depending on their emotional state. In the maniac phase, they may need far less sleep and in the depressed period they may sleep much longer than usual.
    Research has found that sleeping disturbances may induce or worsen maniac & depressive phases - indicating a bidirectional relationship between the two.

    Anxiety Disorders & Sleep

    Anxiety disorders create severe fear & worry that can impact day to day functioning. There are many types of anxiety disorders such as generalised anxiety disorders, panic disorders, phobias, OCD, PTSD etc.
    Anxiety has a close connection with sleep disorders. Anxiety creates a state of hyperarousal, a major factor in insomnia. PTSD is known to have an especially strong association with sleep.
    Research also suggests that sleep disorders can activate anxiety who have a predisposition to it

    ADHD & Sleep

    Attention decit hyperactivity disorder is a condition in which the person has reduced attention span & heightened impulsiveness. People with ADHD have difculty falling asleep, frequent awakening & excessive drowsiness during the day.
    On the other hand, sleep problems tend to worsen ADHD by aggravating symptoms such as low attention span & behavioural issues.

    How to Improve Sleep & Mental Health

    The multifaceted bidirectional relationship between sleep & mental health indicates that treatment for both issues need to go hand in hand.
    Simply prescribing medications may not address the issue at its root. The optimal treatment should involve a customised approach to address both sleep disorder as well as the underlying mental health issue.

    Read other blogs by Dr. Meghna Varma