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by Dr.Meghna varma


Anger Management: When you go from 0 to 100 in a second

We all know what anger feels like. But some of us experience this emotion more strongly than others. For such individuals, anger can be explosive & uncontrolled taking its toll on health, relationships & work life.

Signs you need Anger Management
  • You always think negative
  • You are highly impatient, get easily irritated & are hostile
  • You frequently get into arguments on small silly things
  • You get physically violent with your spouse or kids
  • You indulge in out of control behaviours like reckless driving or breaking objects
Here are a few approaches to deal with anger:

Step Back for a moment

When a situation or person is making you angry, take a moment to think it through & calm yourself down. Make sure you respond only when you have complete control over yourself. You do not have to hide your anger, but it is important to communicate it without losing control.

Speak Up

Expressing how you feel is an effective way of dealing with anger. Often, people bottle up emotions & let the steam build up until it explodes. This is detrimental to yourself & your personal & professional relationships in the long run.

Use Humour

Humour is incompatible with anger. So even for a moment, if you nd something funny when you are furious, your anger gets dissipated. Laughter can also lighten your mood & brings things back into perspective.

Get some Exercise

Physical activity works wonders when it comes to dealing with stress. Hitting the gym or going for a run can be an excellent idea when you are looking for a safe outlet for your overwhelming anger.

Practice Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, repeating a calming mantra, journaling or meditating can be highly effective in bringing your emotions down a notch. This can help calm your body & mind and think more rationally.

Managing anger that feels overwhelming, uncontrollable and unpredictable can seem impossible. But did you know that a few therapy sessions with an experienced psychologist can help you deal with your temper issues in a more mature & effective manner

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