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by Dr.Meghna varma

Body Image Issues

How do you feel when you look at yourself in the mirror? Do you feel a twinge of discomfort? Does you mind come up with 20 things that you could change about yourself? Do you hear a voice shouting comments like - “ You are so fat”,“ Eww look at how your tummy wobbles”?

Body image is how we think & feel about ourselves physically & how we think others perceive us. Body image issues occur when people struggle with the way they look. These issues may relate to weight, birthmarks or a disability.

Does your body image impact your mental health?

In puberty, most kids are occupied with thoughts about how they look and it's totally normal. However, when such thoughts & feelings become an obsession at puberty or any other point of your life, they can make your daily tasks such as eating right, dressing well and socialising more difcult. It can also result in:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Social Awkwardness
  • Eating disorders &
  • Low Self Esteem

Journey towards loving your body

We all get worked up about how we look at times & it's totally normal. But if you are obsessing over it, know that things can get better & there are people who can help you overcome it.

Know that beauty doesn't come in particular shape & size - everyone sees differently & there's no right or wrong way to look.

Here are a few ways to rework on how you see yourself in the mirror & in your mind:

Be thankful for your body

The judgemental comments you make about your body are highly detrimental to body image. Shift your focus from what you feel are the not-so-good things to the more positive aspects about your body.

A great way to achieve a more positive & balanced perspective about yourself is to maintain a gratitude journal. Everyday, write down 3 things you are grateful for about your body. You may add things like - 'Im thankful for my long healthy hair”, “Im thankful for my body's strength & resilience”, “I choose love over selfhatred”.

Stop Comparing

At some point we all tend to compare ourselves to others. But for some, negatively comparing oneself to others becomes an obsession. Make a note of when you tend to compare yourself to others, who you compare yourself to & what you say to yourself when this happens.

Notice if the internal talk is realistic & fair to yourself. If its not then stop yourself in the tracks & change the conversation. Learn to love & appreciate your body for what it is.

Surround yourself with positive people

It is much easier to love & accept yourself when people around you are positive, supportive & less critical. Surround yourself with people who understand the importance of loving & accepting oneself .

Clean your Social Media feed

Watch the kind of images, messages, slogans that ll your newsfeed on social media. Counteract messages that emphasise size zero bikini bods & nd messages that are more body positive & support body acceptance

Read other blogs by Dr. Meghna Varma