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by Dr.Meghna varma


Have you ever come across someone and wondered, “How is he always calm, composed and so in control of things?”. It could be your boss who deals with tricky work situations in a smooth manner or your sibling who can make complete strangers feel at ease within minutes. How do they do it? What's the secret?

The answer lies in their ability to identify & understand their own emotions & feelings as well as others. This is known as emotional intelligence or emotional quotient.

Emotionally intelligent people are more balanced, in tune with their feelings, with an ability to listen, empathise, resolve conicts, solve problems & basically take over the world.

Here are 5 key dimensions of emotional intelligence according Daniel Goleman.

Knowing one's emotions (Self-Awareness)

Emotionally intelligent people are more likely to recognise & understand their moods & emotions and their impact on others. Self awareness denes one's ability to accurately identify & name one's emotions in all situations. People with high EQ are self condent & have the ability to make realistic self assessments.
Controlling one's emotions (Self-Management)

Self management includes ability to control one's impulsive thoughts, feelings & behaviours, take initiative, stay calm under pressure and have a general positive outlook for the future.

Recognising others emotions (Social Awareness)

People with high EQ can identify & understand the needs, feelings & concerns of others. They are socially condent, easily pick up others emotional cues & recognise power dynamics in a group.

Controlling emotions in others (Relationship Management)

People with high EQ can identify & understand the needs, feelings & concerns of others. They are socially condent, easily pick up others emotional cues & recognise power dynamics in a group.

But the question remains - can EQ be developed overtime with everyday practice?

Fortunately, the answer is yes.

Here are a few ways to heighten you EQ

Learn to be Assertive

It's hard to be assertive, but it is an important thing to do as it not only makes you feel more respected, but also has a powerfully positive affect on your emotions.

Be more empathetic

Empathy can be an important factor in relationship management. It can help you connect better with others & manage conicts better. It's denitely a skill you need to work on.

Express Gratitude

High emotional intelligence is all about looking at the glass as half full. The key is to appreciate what you have in life and keep up a positive attitude & motivation in all

Focus on Solutions, not Problems

In every challenging situation, you have two options - To be reactive, start worrying, yelling & screaming; or be proactive & start digging for solutions. Choosing the right one will take time & practice, but eventually when being proactive becomes your autopilot response, it'll be totally worth it.


There's some deeply soothing about taking time out to still your mind. It can make you more cal, composed, empathetic & intuitive.

Be More Mindful

Be more mindful about how you feel in various situations. Identify the signs your body is giving you & understand the why behind the what.
Try out these simple exercises to foster your emotional intelligence.

Read other blogs by Dr. Meghna Varma