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by Dr.Meghna varma

Is The Social Media Taking Over Our Lives?

Ever felt like your hands can't stop scrolling down for one more newsfeed post? Or that you have to unlock your phone and check your social networks every time your phone buzzes? Or that you will miss something important if you don't stay glued to Facebook or Instagram?

You are not alone. Studies indicate that internet users spend nearly 135 minutes per day on social media.

So why are we so addicted? Interestingly, social media has an impact on our psyche in unprecedented ways. It activates the rewarding centre in the brain by enhancing dopamine secretion, creating an irresistible addiction. . Dopamine is a chemical that regulates feelings of pleasure.

Did you know that the impact of dopamine is so strong that for most people resisting tweeting is way harder than cigarettes & alcohol.

How to know if you are addicted?

  • You check social media apps every few minutes to check if someone mentioned you in a comment or liked your posts.
  • You get restless if you lose access to internet even for a few minutes.
  • You feel the need to post your updates on social media every day.
  • You believe that life on social media is more real.
  • You use social media as an escape from your personal or work life.
  • You cannot live even a day without social media.
  • You feel sad when nobody comments on your pictures.
  • You add strangers on your social media accounts to show that you have more followers
  • Social Media Addiction & Your Mental Health

    Did you know that studies have found that the more we use social media, the less happy we are likely to be? Here are other ways in which social media addiction impacts your mental health:

  • Low Self-esteem
  • Increased isolation & loneliness
  • Feelings of jealousy
  • Anxiety & depression
  • Disturbed Sleep patterns

    Limit your usage

    Limit the time you spend on social media sites. Turn off notications, if that helps. You could also make a specic times of the day such as early mornings or late evenings 'technology free'.

    Explore your life outside Social Media:

    Inculcate a new hobby or engage yourself in some substantial work that is nutritional for your mental and physical growth. Develop healthier habits like reading books, engaging in exercise & physical activities indoor or outdoor.

    Hang out with your offline friends :

    Connect with your friends and family In the real world, if the situation is safe for in-person contact. Hanging out, chatting or chilling with your real friends will actually bring you a lot more joy than you ever get online.

    Do a Digital Detox

    Set aside a day every single week to stay away from all social media distractions. Pledge not to open any social sites. You will hate it in the beginning but in the long run, its the best thing you can do for yourself.

    Read other blogs by Dr. Meghna Varma