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by Dr.Meghna varma

Midlife Crisis

“Now is the time. If it's ever gonna happen, it better be now.”

This is the crux of a midlife crisis. Midlife brings about a new sense of urgency where the focus shifts from past or future to the present. People at this age start to see life from a fresh perspective - in terms of how many years are left. And if they are unsatised with their lives, a new urgency kicks in encouraging a series of dramatic life changes.

What triggers A Midlife Crisis?

As we age, we experience a lot of changes. Careers may change. Relationships may end. We might fail to achieve our goals. We may not be living the kind of life we've always dreamed of. Any of these things may cause stress & anxiety which may lead to a full blown midlife turmoil.
While everyone experiences midlife crisis differently, here are a few common triggers:

  • Fear of aging
  • Fear of death
  • Fear of stagnation
  • Career Changes
  • Divorce or other changes in signicant relationships
  • Bodily Changes such as weight gain or any health conditions

Signs of A Midlife Crisis

Often, when men or women in the age group of 40 to 55 end up doing stereotypical things such as having an affair with a younger person, getting a cosmetic job done or indulging in an expensive sports car - people call it midlife crisis. But the truth is, these do not just relate to midlife. These can happen at any point of one's life when they may experience a discontentment or dissatisfaction.

Then how do we identify if a person is going through a midlife crisis? Here are a few telltale signs:

  • Boredom, exhaustion & discontentment with life in general
  • Restlessness ; Strong desire to do things differently
  • Questioning the meaning of life & decisions made years ago
  • Irritability, persistent sadness, unexpected anger
  • Alcohol, drug or food addiction
  • Heightened or greatly decreased ambition
  • Obsession with one's appearance
  • Midlife crisis may bring about positive life changes that do not require medical intervention. But, if you are planning on making major life changes such as ending a relationship or changing careers, it would be better to consult a psychotherapist before diving in headrst.

    Here are a few more instances when seeking professional help would be a good idea:

  • You are experiencing severe distress that affects your sleep or appetite.
  • Your ability to focus & concentrate has drastically reduced & is impacting your work.
  • Your personal life is getting affected with your changing moods & severe stress.
  • You lose interest in activities that used to give you joy & pleasure.
  • Read other blogs by Dr. Meghna Varma