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by Dr.Meghna varma

Positive Psychology & How it can help you

Positive psychology focuses on positive events and inuences to live a meaningful, pleasant, and satisfactory life. Positive psychology is a scientic approach to promote happiness, strength, joy, and love to make life most worth living.

Positive psychology study on human thoughts, feelings and behaviours and build a strong mental asset than doing a repairing job on weakness. Happiness comes from within; no matter how negative is your surrounding if you focus on the inner world of real happiness, you feel happy. Happiness is rooted in the present moment but most often, we are traumatized by our past. Mindful meditation, daily yoga, and breathing exercises reect your inner positive self and change your perception to see the world.

Basis of Positive Psychology

Positive psychology focuses on the positive, meaningful, and satisfactory events and inuences in life, including:

  • Positive experiences (happiness, joy, inspiration, and love).
  • Positive traits (gratitude, resilience, compassion, humbleness).
  • Positive & spiritual institutions (applying positive energy principles, meditation, and yoga to life)
  • Positive psychology emphasis on the inner world of human emotions, values, character strengths, feeling of optimism and makes your life more worth living. It leads constructive life full of gratitude, compassion, and surrender towards hope, contentment, joy, and positive life.

    Why is positive psychology important?

    Positive psychology is solution-oriented than problem focusing. Negative emotions like mental illness, depression, trauma, suffering, and pain are suppressing life and joy inside us. Instead of getting depressed on deciency and desire unfullment, we should appreciate the beauty of life and its ever-ourishing love and compassion for all of its creatures. Generally, we see older people consider their life most satisfactory, enriching, and more worth living.

    According to positive psychologists, most of the usual psychology is focusing on the negative state of affairs that causes human suffering, trauma, and pain. However, positive psychology chooses positive aspects of human personality and develops optimistic emotions and constructive thoughts to drive joy and liberation in life.

    Although, initially it was developed for advanced well-being and inspiring for optimal functioning in healthy people. These days people are opting for it to get rid of suppressive thoughts. It focuses on a balanced perspective and encourages people to appreciate delighting moments in life and inspire optimism.

    Benefits of positive psychology?

    Positive psychology means leading a meaningful and pleasant life and being in a happy state of mind. Happiness is derived from pleasant emotional and mental experiences, which uplift our life. There are various techniques and exercises based on positive psychology which enhance your quality of life. Important benets of positive psychology are:

  • Shifting to a positive state and bring resourcefulness
  • Physical and psychological wellbeing
  • Change perspective and build optimism.
  • Focus on character strengths, values, and self-compassion
  • Improve the quality of relationship with friends and family
  • Nurture a sense of gratitude and compassion for all creatures
  • Enhance goal-setting and goal-achieving abilities
  • Studies have shown that changed perspective, gratitude, and a positive approach to deal with every problem cultivate each day a happy day in our life. Happiness is contagious, so be positive and spread positivity and happiness!

    Read other blogs by Dr. Meghna Varma