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Please enter the score for a term which describes the patient's condition.

1. Uncooperativeness [Negative, resistant, uncooperative, difficult to manage]
2. Hostility [Angry or suspicious affect, belligerence, accusations & verbal condemnations of others]
3. Manipulativeness [Lying, cheating, exploitative of others]
4. Depressive Mood [Sad, tearful, depressive demeanor]
5. Feelings of Inferiority [Lacking self-confidence, self-deprecatory, feeling of personal inadequacy]
6. Suicidal Ideation [Thoughts, threats or attempts of suicide]
7. Peculiar fantasies [Recurrent, odd, unusual or autistic ideations]
8. Delusions [Visual, auditory, or other hallucinatory experiences or perceptions]
9. Hallucinations [Visual, auditory, or other hallucinatory experiences or perceptions]
10. Hyper-Activity [Excessive energy expenditure, frequent change in posture, perpetual motion]
11. Distractibility [Poor concentration, shortened attention span, reactivity to peripheral stimuli]
12. Speech or Voice Pressure [Loud, excessive, or pressured speech]
13. Underproductive Speech [Minimal, sparse inhibited verbal response pattern or weak low voice]
14. Emotional withdrawal [Unspontaneous relations to examiner, lack of peer interaction, hypoactivity]
15. Blunt Affect [Deficient emotional expression, blankness, flatness of affect.]
16. Tensions [Nervousness, fidgetiness, nervous movements of hands or feet]
17. Anxiety [Clinging behavior, separation anxiety, preoccupation with anxiety topics, fears, or phobias]
18. Sleep Difficulties [Inability to fall asleep, intermittent awakening, shortened sleep time]
19. Disorientation [Confusion over persons, places, or things]
20. Speech Deviance [Inferior level of speech development, underdeveloped vocabulary, mispronunciations]
21. Stereotypy [Rhythmic, repetitive, manneristic movements or posture]